Motor disabilities.

Our patients have motor impairments due to neurological pathologies such as multiple sclerosis, paralysis due to stroke or traumatic spinal cord injury. Our intervention includes two parts: one in the music studio and one in the swimming pool.

The work on dryland focuses on the individual’s movements (in particular gait, when this is possible) and the training with musical instruments to promote rhythmic awareness and increase motor coordination. During this phase, the subjects’ psychological wellbeing and confidence in their abilities are strongly fostered. The rhythmic patterns that they acquire are then carried to the water making movements smoother and more effective. To facilitate this transition, participants play together on the pool deck before entering the water.

During the second part of the intervention our participants listen to music with the therapists and express themselves using their body and movement culminating with swim sessions. While swimming, the
Swin'n'Swing band plays music on the pool deck to support the subject in following the rhythmic patterns they have previously learned and to generate fluid, precise and harmonious movements. Body sensations and moods are shared with the entire group in an atmosphere of mutual inclusion and welcoming. These dynamics increase the overall happiness and relaxation of the participants: it connects them with their own bodies while establishing strong bonds with other participants. This promotes a feeling of purpose, well-being, and self-esteem.